Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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40 Toxic Traits to be Treated During 40 Days of Lent !(Part 4 and Final)


Fr. TJ. Puliyan, MSFS

  1. Playing the victim: This is when someone thinks everything is happening to them and everyone is out to get them. They cannot take responsibility for their choices or circumstances; nothing is their fault.
  2. Takes everything personally: These folks assume everything is a personal attack. Giving them feedback is nearly impossible because they think you’re trying to hurt them.
  3. People pleasing: People pleasers hide their personalities and preferences to get others to like them. It’s hard to trust people-pleasers because they will sacrifice their truth in pursuit of external validation.
  4. Entitlement: These folks think they deserve more than everyone else. They think their life should be easy and they shouldn’t have to work for anything.
  5. Guilt-tripping: Guilt-trippers will manipulate you to do what they want by evoking guilt. They’ll say, “I knew you didn’t really care about me.”
  6. Creates drama: These folks are always gossiping and stirring up unnecessary conflicts. You’ll get caught in an endless spree of emotional chaos if you are close to one of these folks.
  7. Holding grudges: Some folks can’t forgive and let go. They’ll hold on to that time four years ago when you lost your temper and secretly hold it against you.
  8. Boundary violating: Some people will constantly push your boundaries over and over and over again. It can be hard to feel safe and respected with such folks.
  9. Passive aggressiveness: These people are afraid of conflict, and instead of ever having a difficult conversation, they will subtly take out their hurt on people by not laughing at their jokes or giving silent treatment.
  10. Martyrdom: Martyrs need to prove their worth by sacrificing themselves. These people will seek out unnecessary suffering and wear it as a badge of honor. They can be hard to relate to because they’re constantly trying to save you, whether you want them or not.
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